Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Registered for the Gallup

We are now officially registered for the Gallup for the Gravy on Thanksgiving Day!
It was a tough weekend--no running on Saturday, forced by my 16 yo to run on Sunday evening--did a pitiful job, so just took it slow!

Yesterday (Monday), I came to the conclusion that it is ok not to run the whole 3 miles. I would like to run it all, but in the larger scheme of life, it just doesn't matter! So, my training took a little different turn yesterday---I ran as much as I could, then walked just to catch my breath and went back to running; did this more frequently and finished 3 miles in 35 min. and 54 seconds. Down a 1/2 minute from Friday!

Today it is raining! looking for an opening in the rain or either heading to the gym. I think running in the rain might actually be fun!

Sewing update---finished a design for the butterflies. Almost done with the party boy suit. Dew drops are haunting me--I just need to DO them! Delegated the 7 Spanish tops to another "sewer" (I know "seamstress" is probably the correct word to use, however--I like "sewer"! It looks like sewer--the place to where your toilets flush--but it means SOOOOOOO much more! :-)

Beginning of the "party boy suit".

Old tutus that will be "refreshed" to become beautiful butterflies!
Design idea for the butterflies, and the fabric to make it happen.

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