Thursday, November 18, 2010

Oh No....2 days without running!

Tomorrow, I must get back on the run! Literally! In meetings all day on Wednesday and Pastoring and coaching all day today meant I did not get a chance to run yesterday or today. It is ok, because tomorrow is another day.

Another thing I dealt with today...the Harry Potter Club at Abi's school. The club has been denied club status due to the name Harry Potter. It all seems very silly, but the administration has suddenly become ridiculous about the whole thing. When I get a chance, I will fill you in and write up the whole story. Administration at WHS has not been overly impressive to me in the 2.5 years we have been at that school, but today they took away any vestiges of respect.

Will fill you in later! Maybe after my run tomorrow!

I finished the party boy suit, with the exception of some handstitching that needs to be done!

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