Monday, November 22, 2010

3 days to go

My plan for this week was to run fast today, take it slow tomorrow, not run on Wednesday and do well in the 5K on Thursday.  Today, I didn't feel like it at all and I had a bad attitude to boot.  Just feeling kind of blah!  Decided I couldn't not run, so I headed out...ran a little, walked alot and decided just being out there was what was important.  Tomorrow, I am going to just do a slow run/walk again, take Wed. off and give it my all on Thursday.

I had a wonderful conversation with Emma today--we were talking about the 5K and I asked her how we are going to do this.  Her response, "I think we need to all just go at our own pace and we will see each other at the finish line."  I commented, "You are ok with that?"  Em said, "I am ok with that...the question is are you ok with that Mom?!"  I am ok with that, I was pleasantly surprised that she would be ok with that.  My baby is growing up and this is a place where she can be a little independent. 

The sewing has plan is to do much of that tomorrow.

Now the update on the HP Club:
The Harry Potter Club has been meeting at Abi's school (she and some of her friends started the club) for about 6 weeks now--they do not meet every week, but regularly enough that the club has grown and they are making plans of "fun" things they can do together--quidditch games, yule ball, etc...

After a few weeks of being organized, the administration told them they could not be the Harry Potter club, they needed to be the Book Club.  The students understood that admin. thought the name might be offensive to some.  Abi assured her friends that her parents would have a word with administration.  We did, at a gathering at school that very evening.  The Prinicipal we spoke with, heard our concerns; said the students misunderstood the reason for the name change, admin. felt the students might be bullied if they were the HP Club.  Jay and I tried to help him understand that it was much less likely they would be bullied as the HP Club rather than the book club; he said he would take it back to administration.

He did, Administration stood by the original decision and the students called and asked me if I could talk with administration.  I have been--however, it took several tries to get through.  Basically, we have moved to the understanding that the school needs a written protocol on establishing clubs.  It does seem that the school cannot deny a student initiated group the privilege to meet on school grounds, even if they are not a recognized club of the school.

Tomorrow, I have a meeting with the principal....which only came about after my rather lengthy conversation with the Asst. superintendent for Secondary Education.  My child has been at this school for 2 1/2 years and I have requested meetings with the Prinicipal in the past, she finally has agreed.  Thank you asst. super.

Maybe an upate tomorrow.

1 comment:

Gabie said...

Beth - I am inspired by your running routine and may, slowly, get back into my own! I am also inspired by your advocacy for the HP kids. Go mama lion!